We offer professional registration services for businesses seeking to register with the (Employee’s State Insurance Corporation) ESIC to provide their employees with medical and cash benefits.

Our ESIC Registration Services include:

  • ESIC Registration: We can assist you in obtaining the necessary registration with the ESIC to provide your employees with medical and cash benefits.
  • Compliance Services: Our team of experts can help you comply with the necessary provisions and regulations of the Employee’s State Insurance Act, 1948.
  • Annual Returns Filing: We can help you file your annual returns with the ESIC, which is mandatory for all registered establishments.
  • Employee Benefits Management: We can help you manage your employees’ ESIC benefits, including medical and cash benefits.

We provide personalized service and work closely with our clients to understand their specific ESIC registration needs. Contact us today to learn more about our ESIC Registration Services and how we can help you register with the ESIC in compliance with the Employee’s State Insurance Act, 1948.

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